Engineering and Power Engineering2024-10-30T11:21:32+02:00Dmitriy S. Yarymbashyarymbash@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>ISSN 1607-6761 (Print). ISSN 2521-6244 (Online)</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal; margin: 6.0pt 0cm .0001pt 0cm;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-latin;">The scientific journal " <strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">Electrical engineering and power engineering</strong> " is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal, that publishes work on new developments in the field of electrical engineering, electrical engineering, electric power engineering, as well as automation of computer-integrated technologies in the development and improvement of electrical machines and apparatus, power electronics, and issues of theoretical electrical engineering and electro physics, technology of strong electric and magnetic fields, cable technology, electric transport, power plants, networks and systems, their safety, as well as alternative energy sources.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; margin: 6.0pt 0cm .0001pt 0cm;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-latin;">Abbreviated key-title "<span class="SpellE"><strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;"><a href="">Elektroteh. Elektroenerg</a></strong></span><strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">"</strong><strong><span style="font-family: 'Calibri',sans-serif; mso-ascii-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-hansi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-latin; font-weight: normal; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold;">, </span></strong></span><span class="tlid-translation"><span lang="EN" style="mso-ansi-language: EN;">transliteration of the title of the journal</span></span> <span style="mso-bidi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-latin;">"<span class="SpellE"><strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;"><a href="">Elektrotehnìka ta elektroenergetika</a></strong></span><strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">"</strong>, parallel title<span class="tlid-translation"> "</span><strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;"><a href="">Electrical engineering and power engineering</a>"</strong>,</span> <span style="mso-bidi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-latin;">parallel title<span class="tlid-translation"> "</span></span><strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;"><span lang="RU" style="mso-bidi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: RU;"><a href="">Электротехника и электроэнергетика</a></span></strong><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-latin;">"</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; margin: 6.0pt 0cm .0001pt 0cm;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-family: Calibri; mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-latin;"><br /><strong>Collections of the electronic version of the journal can be viewed</strong> <a href="">here</a></span></p> <p><strong>Copyright license</strong> : <span id="CC_Attribution_(сокращённо_CC_BY)" class="mw-headline"><strong><a class="extiw" title="creativecommons:by/4.0/" href="">CC Attribution </a></strong></span><strong>(СС-BY)</strong></p> <p> </p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; margin: 6.0pt 0cm .0001pt 0cm;"> </p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; margin: 6.0pt 0cm .0001pt 0cm;"> </p> of voltage quality indicators in industrial power supply systems with limited energy system capacity2024-07-26T10:49:12+03:00Yu.A. Papaikapapaika.yu.a@nmu.oneO.G. Lysenkolysenko.o.g@nmu.oneM.M. Malyshkomalyshko.m.m@nmu.oneO.V.<p><strong>Purpose.</strong> To justify the dependence of the determination of indicators of electromagnetic compatibility of power supply systems of industrial enterprises in the presence of powerful nonlinear and asymmetric loads in conditions of limited power system capacity.</p> <p><strong>Methodology.</strong> Methods of theoretical electrical engineering for the construction of replacement schemes of three-phase electrical networks, Fourier series for the analysis of higher harmonics of current and voltage, the method of symmetrical components for the analysis of asymmetry.</p> <p><strong>Findings. </strong>Виділено основні показники якості напруги, значення яких залежить від параметрів живлячої електроенергетичної системи (потужності короткого замикання). Наведено аналітичні залежності розрахунку показників несиметрії та несинусоїдальності при обмеженні потужності КЗ. Проаналізовано засоби корекції показників якості в умовах електричних мереж з розподіленою генерацією.</p> <p><strong>Originality. </strong> The scientific novelty consists in establishing the patterns of changes in the mode parameters of the industrial load from the parameters of the power system, which is expressed in interrelated changes in voltage quality indicators. At the same time, in the analytical models, the option of obtaining variable changes in the parameters of the power system both due to the generating capacities and through the parameters of the substitution schemes of electrical networks of different voltage classes has been added.</p> <p><strong>Practical value.</strong> For engineering calculations, simplified algorithms for determining voltage quality indicators (deviation, oscillation, asymmetry and non-sinusoidal voltage) are proposed, taking into account the real configuration of the electrical network and the actual power of the power system. This makes it possible to evaluate the efficiency of transmission and conversion of electricity under an arbitrary configuration of the post-emergency power supply scheme.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 Yu.A. Papaika, O.G. Lysenko, M.M. Malyshko, O.V. Udovyk of the distribution symmetrical components in an electrical system with a diesel generator at an unsymmetrical load 2024-10-18T11:35:14+03:00O.V. Bialobrzheskyibialobrzeski@ukr.netM.Y. Voronavvlaalvv@gmail.comS.M. Yakimets<p><strong>Purpose. </strong>Investigation symmetrical components of current and voltage in microgrid elements with an autonomous synchronous generator of limited power, which works in parallel with a network transformer under the condition of non-metric load.</p> <p><strong>Methodology. </strong>During the research, visual programming methods were used in the Simulink/Matlab package, methods of electrical engineering theory in terms of determining symmetrical component currents and voltages in observation branches, methods of synthesizing schemes for replacing elements of electric power systems for symmetrical component currents, methods of data processing and construction diagrams using specialized software tools.<strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Findings.</strong> As a result the analysis known studies, it was established that under the condition of researching low-power generating systems in conditions of asymmetry, insufficient attention is paid to the nature of the asymmetric load. Using the well-known structure of a microgrid, which includes a synchronous generator, a machine load, and an external network transformer, its model was built, in which, by introducing asymmetric loads of various types, a series of experiments was implemented with the registration of voltages and currents of forward, reverse, and zero sequences in the branches of the network. The analysis of the results obtained during the research established that the positive sequence voltage in the case of a change in the active load does not change its level, under the same circumstances, in the case of an active-capacitive and active-inductive load, the voltage change has the opposite character. In the case of increasing asymmetry of an active-inductive nature, the positive sequence voltage decreases, and in the case of an active-capacitive one, it increases. The specified changes in some cases exceed 3%. Positive sequence currents in the case of active load imbalance differ slightly. In the case of a positive sequence current of the transformer, its continuous growth is observed, which in the case of active-capacitive and active-inductive loads exceeds the active one by an average of 1.5 times. Negative sequence currents in the studied model, which are formed by an asymmetrical load, are completely closed to the transformer, causing zero-sequence voltages, and the nature asymmetrical load significantly affects the value of these currents, a 61% increase was noted.</p> <p><strong>Originality. </strong>It was established that in a microgrid, which includes a synchronous generator, a machine load, a symmetrical active load of comparable power to the generator, an external network transformer, in addition to the fact of asymmetry caused by an asymmetrical load, the character of an asymmetrical load (active, active-inductive or active-capacitive).</p> <p><strong>Practical value. </strong>In the case of using in microgrids devices that provide an increase in the quality of electrical energy, for example, symmetrical devices, it is necessary, in addition to the asymmetry factor, to take into account the natural load that causes the latter.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 O.V. Bialobrzheskyi, M.Y. Oliynichenko, V.V. Vorona, S.M. Yakimets of converter parameters for high-voltage electromechanical systems of stationary installations of industrial fans2024-09-10T10:47:53+03:00A.V. Synetskyixibi-tur@ukr.netI.M.<p><strong>Purpose.</strong> To study the electromagnetic processes in the circuit of the phase rotor of a high-voltage induction motor connected to the network through a step-up converter, to determine the parameters of the converter and their relationship with the voltage gain to ensure the optimal level of energy efficiency of the electromechanical system.</p> <p><strong>Methodology.</strong> Methods of theoretical electrical engineering for the construction of a rotor circuit replacement <strong>scheme</strong> for an induction motor with a step-up converter, methods for solving a system of first-order differential equations, analytical methods.</p> <p><strong>Findings. </strong>The expediency of using a converter that combines the rotor circuit of a high-voltage induction motor with the power supply network and provides regulation of the rotor EMF with the recovery of the slip energy of the induction motor rotor to the power supply network has been proved. This will ensure speed control of powerful high-voltage induction motors on the rotor side with an EMF of up to 600 V and significantly reduce the cost of a high-voltage electromechanical system. A methodology for determining the converter gain and the parameters of the rotor circuit of the electromechanical system is proposed, which allows determining the transformation ratio of the matching transformer at the optimal value of the voltage gain. The conditions of trouble-free operation of the inverter at the moment of start-up of the electromechanical system are determined. Achieving these conditions is ensured by determining the delay of the control signal to the power keys of the inverter of a step-up converter. The correlation between the voltage gain and the equivalent resistance of the rotor circuit of the electromechanical system is established.</p> <p><strong>Originality. </strong>The ratio of the voltage gain to the equivalent resistance of the rotor circuit of the electromechanical system is established, which will ensure the matching of the rotor EMF with the voltage of the power supply network while maintaining a high level of energy efficiency.</p> <p><strong>Practical value.</strong> A methodology for determining the gain and parameters of a step-up converter is proposed, which allows determining the transformation ratio of a matching transformer at the optimal value of the voltage gain. The proposed methodology can be applied to the modelling of complex powerful high-voltage electromechanical systems, especially for stationary installations of industrial fans.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 A.V. Synetskyi, I.M. Kotsur current stabilizer with digital control for the power supply system of the plasmatron2024-09-15T21:14:16+03:00E.M. Vereshchagovenmkua@gmail.comV.I.<p><strong>Purpose.</strong> Solution of theoretical and practical problems on providing digital control of a pulse converter using high-speed microprocessor tools in the output current stabilization mode with provision of a specified duration of transient processes caused by an increase in load voltage and output current astaticity, which allows to obtain significant advantages over analog versions.</p> <p><strong>Methodology.</strong> Review of literary and patent sources on the subject, theory of pulse automatic control systems, mathematical modeling of processes in pulse current stabilizers in the MATLAB / Simulink software environment and physical prototyping.</p> <p><strong>Findings. </strong>A simulation model of an autonomous power supply system based on a converter using soft switching technology of transistors and an arc load is presented. A control law is synthesized and a model of a pulse current stabilizer is developed. A method is proposed and ways are found to control a pulse current stabilizer that provide a given duration of transients and astatism of the output current. A model of a pulse stabilizer with digital control based on a single-crystal computing module is developed and manufactured. The results of the study confirm the achievement of a finite duration of transient processes caused by a step change in the load voltage, close to 3-4 periods of conversion and output current astaticism. It is shown that the use of a pulse stabilizer using a fully digital control circuit has undeniable advantages over analog systems.</p> <p><strong>Originality. </strong>The problem of synthesizing a digital controller for a given control time by the method of desired transfer functions for a soft switching operating converter on an arc load is solved. In addition to the given control time, additional quality requirements in the steady state are provided.</p> <p><strong>Practical value.</strong>The use of microprocessor technology makes it possible not only to implement complex and new highly efficient control algorithms for a converter operating in the pulse current stabilizer mode, but also to perform additional functions for overload protection, self-diagnostics and telemetry of pulse converters. The use of this same digital device simultaneously for the purpose of controlling a pulse converter will allow to abandon analog PWM controllers and thereby reduce its own energy consumption and weight and size characteristics, increase the reliability of the functioning of pulse converters in power supply systems as a whole.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 E.M. Vereshchago, V.I. Kostiuchenko control system for the electric drive of an overhead crane considering elastic connections2024-08-31T09:46:59+03:00М.О. Olieinikov<p><strong>Purpose. </strong>Investigation of the peculiarities of the automatic control system of an overhead crane electric drive with regard to elastic connections..</p> <p><strong>Research methods. </strong>To achieve this goal, we used the methods of system analysis and modeling with the help of software tools. This made it possible to reflect accurately the processes occurring in the system, as well as to test various operating scenarios and their impact on the overall system efficiency.</p> <p><strong>Results. </strong>The study considered the automatic control system of the electric drive and the importance of taking into account elastic connections. The proposed adaptive system uses the RBF neural network. The use of the proposed controller ensures resistance to disturbing influences and allows to level the load oscillations. The adaptability of the system is ensured by changing the parameters (load, speed of movement of mechanisms, stiffness, positioning accuracy, etc.) to meet the operating conditions of the overhead crane. Thanks to this, the system is able to operate efficiently even under variable loads and external influences. Computer modeling of the proposed control system was carried out, which confirmed its effectiveness under various operating conditions.</p> <p><strong>Scientific novelty.</strong>This system provides damping of load oscillations and increases the crane positioning accuracy. This is achieved by comparing it with existing control methods according to various criteria. It is proposed to use an algorithm for adapting the parameters of the control system in real time (load, trolley speed, cable length, mechanism stiffness, etc.), which significantly improves (by 5-7% positioning accuracy, by 8-10% stability) the performance of the system. In addition, the study confirmed the ability of the system to adapt to different operating conditions (changed load, variations in travel speed, uneven external disturbances), ensuring the stability and reliability of its operation, which is especially important for ensuring continuous operation of the crane in industrial environments.</p> <p><strong>Practical value.</strong> The use of this system can increase the overhead crane productivity by 5-10% compared to traditional control systems. Implementing the system in an industrial environment will significantly improve the efficiency and safety of the crane, as well as reduce maintenance and repair costs. In addition, this system can be used to modernize existing cranes, which will extend their service life and improve their reliability. This opens up new opportunities to improve the efficiency of industrial processes associated with the use of overhead cranes and provides better working conditions for operators.</p>2024-10-30T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2024 М.О. Olieinikov