


pulse control, the electric motor of series excitation, series excitation, simulation model


Purpose: The purpose of the work is to research the dynamics of DC motor of series excitation with pulse speed control and determine the possibility of the drive circuit simplification.

Research methods: With the help of simulation and analytical methods of calculation techniques developed a simulation model, identified the advantages of using a modernized impulse control scheme.

The obtained results: The modernized scheme of series excitation DC current motor pulse control is designed. For the proposed and existing pulse regulation schemes the models are developed; they help to investigate the electromechanical processes of electric drive in these schemes and to perform the comparative analysis. The results of the modernized DC motor speed impulse control scheme investigation in the acceleration mode, overrun and electro-dynamic braking are given.

Scientific novelty: Developed advanced pulse regulating sequential excitation DC motor scheme. For existing and proposed schemes impulse regulation developed models that allow study of electromechanical processes in electric drive for existing and proposed impulse control schemes.

The practical significance: It is shown that the addition of a shunt field winding diode to pulsed regulator scheme reducing the rate of current decay in the winding. It is determined that the proposed upgrade allows to use electro-dynamic braking mode at the motor self-excitation. The proposed scheme design avoids the use of additional independent power sources and simplify the technical implementation and reduce costs.

Author Biographies

P. D. Andrienko, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

Doctor of Sciences, Prof., Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

S. I. Shilo, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

Senior lecturer, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

O. O. Kaplienko, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University

Senior lecturer, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University


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How to Cite

Andrienko, P. D., Shilo, S. I., & Kaplienko, O. O. (2016). RESEARCH OF SUCCESSIVE EXCITATION ELECTRIC MOTOR DYNAMIC MODES WITH PULSED SCHEMES OF THE ELECTRIC DRIVE REGULATION. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (2), 51–58.