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Automation and computer-integrated technologies
Year of foundation: 1999
Founder: Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University
Scientific journal " Electrical engineering and power engineering " included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, which can publish the results of scientific works for the Sci.D and Ph.D in specialty 141 - Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics (by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 409 of March 17, 2020) and in specialty 151 - Automation and computer-integrated technologies (by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1471 of November 26, 2020)
Periodicity: from 1999–2017 two issues per year (1st number in July, 2nd in January)
from 2018 - four issues per year (1st number in April, 2nd number in July, 3rd number in October, 4th number in January).
The licensed issue volume of the journal is up to 12 issues. Volume - up to 10 services. pecs sheets.
Certificate of state registration: КВ № 24219-14059ПР of November 07, 2019
The Scientific journal "Electrical engineering and power engineering" does not contain advertising information.
The Articles that are published in the journal are reviewed in leading international and national abstract journals and science databases, and also placed in digital archives and libraries with free access on-line.
The journal is distributed in the Catalog of Periodicals of Ukraine (subscription index - 22913).
Articles are published and reviewed for free. The scientific journal provides a policy of providing free online access to full-text publications.
Each journal article of scientific journal is accompanied by a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) digital object identifier.
The scientific journal allows authors to have copyrights without restrictions and retain the rights to publish without restrictions.
The scientific journal allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of their articles. The magazine permits the reuse of its content in accordance with CC CC-BY license.
By sending the article to the journal, the authors thereby assume full responsibility for respecting the copyright of other persons and organizations, the accuracy of the cited quotes, data and illustrations, non-disclosure of state and official secrets, express their consent to give the editorial office free of charge, publication rights, translation to foreign languages, storage and distribution of article materials in any form.
All articles proposed for publication receive an objective review, which is evaluated essentially without regard to race, gender, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship, or the political philosophy of the author(s).
The scientific journal consists of the following sections:
• Electrotechnics
•Automation and computer-integrated technologies
For submitting articles, you can see INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS