


, automation, water supply system, energy audit, work efficiency, pump station, pump unit, performance regulation, electric drive


Purpose. Increase the efficiency of the water supply system by automating the energy audit, which will allow to formulate preliminary recommendations for reducing the electricity consumption in the water supply system
of any type.

Methodology. The paper uses methods of systematization, analysis and synthesis of the main practical solutions for improving the efficiency of the water supply system; methods of algorithmization of propagation and mathematical modeling.

Findings. An approach to the previous energy audit of any water supply system is developed. A list of general solutions for increasing the efficiency of the water supply system by means of electric drive is proposed.

Originality. The method of conducting energy audits of the water supply system is proposed, which, unlike the known ones, allows indirectly to identify the main disadvantages of the water supply system, which allows to take measures to improve the efficiency of the system.

Practical value. The algorithm of the previous energy audit of the system was developed water supply. Recommendations for improving the efficiency of the water supply system are developed, which take into account the experience of past years and the results of computer simulation.

Author Biographies

M.M. Moshnoriz, Vinnitsa National Technical University, Vinnytsia

Ph.D, Associate professor, associate professor of the department of electromechanical systems of automation in industry and transport of Vinnitsa National Technical University, Vinnytsia

A.S. Gorban, Vinnitsa National Technical University, Vinnytsia

student of the Vinnytsia National Technical University, Vinnytsya


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How to Cite

Moshnoriz, M., & Gorban, A. (2019). AUTOMATION OF THE PROCEDURE FOR ENERGY AUDIT WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 52–60.