Energy efficiency control systems of technological processes and the ways to improve them




Energy efficiency control, rationing of energy consumption, promptness, informativeness, accuracy


Purpose. To identify the disadvantages of the existing systems of energy efficiency control of production processes and the reasons for their occurrence, to analyze requirements for modern control systems.

Methodology. Analyzing disadvantages of the existing control systems, comparing and determining their capabilities in a market economy, generalizing the received results.

Findings. The functionalities of the existing energy efficiency control systems do not correspond to the current conditions of production processes, that create problems for determining the content and implementation of energy saving measures. Low efficiency of the control systems is caused by the limited capabilities of the existing methods of calculating the normalized values of energy consumption, the lack of prompt assessment of the factors affecting the final result of energy efficiency, as well as the significant cost of modern energy metering. The limitation of the information component of control is that there is a difficulty in identifying from the set of factors influencing the achieved level of energy efficiency component, which is associated with the activity of service personnel in the implementation of energy saving measures. There is a need to improve the accuracy of calculating the normalized values of energy consumption. The ways to eliminate existing problems are to determine the patterns of formation of normalized values of energy consumption in terms of operational control, application of new approaches to assessing the effectiveness of impact factors, justification of errors in calculating normalized values of energy efficiency, creating and determining criteria for energy consumption in the periods related to the reporting of the enterprise. The implementation of these actions involves a significant change in views on the organization of the control procedure, technical and information support for its implementation.

Originality. For the first time, a comprehensive improvement of the existing energy efficiency control systems, basing on increasing their efficiency, information content and the reliability of data, are proposed. For the first time, the causes and demonstration of the disadvantages of the existing control systems in modern production are analyzed.

Practical value. Certain areas of research are identified, their implementation will expand the functionality of energy efficiency control in modern conditions and will increase the efficiency of production process management.

Author Biography

N.S. Dreshpak, Dnipro University of Technology

Ph.D, Associate professor, Associate professor of electrical engineering department of Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro


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How to Cite

Dreshpak, N. (2020). Energy efficiency control systems of technological processes and the ways to improve them. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (1), 40–48.