Increase the efficiency of implementation and interaction of distributed generation with the local electric network




renewable energy, reactive power compensation devices, electrical network, losses, implementation, sources of distributed generation


Purpose. There is a trend of transition from a purely centralized power supply to a combined one, the number of local decentralized sources of electricity directly in the distribution networks is increasing. Distribution electric networks are transformed into a network with features characteristic of a local electric system, which receives power both from its own distribution electric networks and from a centralized source. Renewable energy has a number of advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Among them - the complication of the operation of electric networks with the growth of the capacities of renewable sources of electricity installed in them and the instability of generation due to their natural dependence on meteorological conditions, if we talk about technical shortcomings, then this refers to the sinusoidal nature of voltages and currents and voltage deviations, ensuring the quality of electricity which directly depends on ensuring the balance of active and reactive power in the electrical system. The purpose of this article is to analyze the effectiveness of reactive power compensation devices as a tool for reducing the threshold of integration of distributed generation sources into the electrical networks of Ukraine. The task is to study the reduction of the integration threshold for distributed generation.

Research methods. Mathematical modeling of an electrical system with distributed generation elements and reactive power compensation devices. The influence of the operation of reactive power compensation devices on the parameters of the electric network is studied. Comparative analysis of network parameters and their change when implementing distributed generation together with and without reactive power compensation devices.

The results obtained. The obtained results show that the use of reactive power compensation devices makes it possible to increase the carrying capacity of operating power lines and transformers, which is especially important when most of the power system schemes where distributed generation is integrated are of radial type, i.e. it actually lowers the integration threshold for renewable generation in the electric network. A very important factor is that the introduction of reactive power compensation devices together with distributed generation solves the problem of stabilization and voltage loss in electric networks, and also improves the quality of electric energy.

 Scientific novelty. The method of selecting reactive power compensators for distribution networks has been further developed, which differs from the existing ones by taking into account the presence of renewable energy sources of various types, which allows to increase the efficiency of the interaction of the local electric network with the renewable generation integrated in it.

 Practical value. It consists in lowering the integration threshold of distributed generation sources into electric networks by introducing reactive power compensation devices together with them, which affects a number of technological parameters in the node - reduction of power and voltage losses, stabilization and control of voltage, improvement of electric power quality indicators.

Author Biographies

D.O. Danylchenko, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical Energy Transmission  of  the  National  Technical  University  "Kharkiv  Polytechnic  Institute", Kharkiv

D.S. Kuznetsov, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

graduate student of the Department of Electrical Energy Transmission of the National Technical  University  "Kharkiv  Polytechnic  Institute",  Kharkiv


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How to Cite

Danylchenko, D., & Kuznetsov, D. (2024). Increase the efficiency of implementation and interaction of distributed generation with the local electric network. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (2), 18–26.