Optimization of energy use during routing of transportation of grain elevator





optimization of energy consumption, routing algorithm, elevator complex, software-logic controller, traveling salesman problem, mathematical model, automation, energy efficiency, logic equations, transport system


The purpose of the work. The purpose of this work is to create a mathematical model and justify the algorithm for minimizing energy consumption during grain transportation in the elevator complex by optimizing the transportation route.

Research methods. An analytical research method was applied to study existing approaches to route optimization and energy minimization algorithms. A mathematical method is applied to formalize the problem of minimizing energy consumption in the elevator complex. An algorithmic method was used to develop and adapt algorithms, such as the salesman's problem, to the specifics of grain transportation.

Obtained results. The obtained results showed that the implementation of the algorithm for optimizing the grain transportation route based on the criterion of minimizing energy consumption can significantly reduce the total energy consumption of the elevator complex. The developed mathematical model and algorithm based on the Salesman's problem allows to describe and explain the provision of efficient route selection that passes through all necessary nodes only once, with minimal energy costs. A system of logical equations that takes into account the state of nodes, overload, speed and direction of movement will ensure its effectiveness in reducing energy consumption.

Scientific news. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the development of an algorithm for choosing the optimal grain transportation route based on the minimization of energy consumption, which integrates the mathematical model of the co-traveler problem with Miller-Tucker-Zemlin conditions for the exclusion of subcycles. For the first time, a system of logic equations was proposed, which takes into account the condition of the nodes, the direction of movement, the speed and the absence of overloading. The algorithm also optimizes transportation time, which ensures increased energy efficiency and productivity of automated elevator systems.

Practical value. The practical value of the research lies in the possibility of introducing the developed algorithm into the automated control systems of elevator complexes to increase energy efficiency and optimize work. The proposed methodology facilitates the automated selection of routes with minimal energy consumption, whilst accounting for the technical characteristics of the equipment and the prevailing operating conditions. This contributes to the reduction of the total cost of electricity, increasing the productivity and reliability of the system, ensuring economic benefit and stable operation of the transport infrastructure.

Author Biographies

V.A. Mardziavko, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

assistant, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine

A.Y. Rudenko, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University

assistant, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University, Mykolaiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Mardziavko, V., & Rudenko, A. (2025). Optimization of energy use during routing of transportation of grain elevator. Electrical Engineering and Power Engineering, (4), 28–35. https://doi.org/10.15588/1607-6761-2024-4-3



Automation and computer-integrated technologies